Buying wine and other alcoholic drinks should be an exciting activity as it serves as an adventure in itself. But with hundreds of brands and types of alcoholic drinks to choose from, it would surely be exhilarating to choose the best beers and liquors for the holidays, or any special occasion.
What to do if you are facing the challenge of choosing bottles for the much anticipated holiday get-together? Tech and Lifestyle Journal has the following simple tips.
1. Know the basics. Alcoholic beverages are categorized into three: beers, wines, and liquors (also known as spirits). Beer and wine are produced through fermentation, while liquors (whisky, brandy, rum, vodka, and tequila) are distilled fermented beverages.
2. When buying beer, remember some of the special types to choose from. Ales are fermented at warm temperatures and render fruity and spicy aroma and flavor. Lagers are fermented at cooler temperatures within longer fermentation and aging process, giving way to its cleaner and smoother taste. Specialty styles are fun to explore due to distinct flavors and aromas, departing from traditional brews.
3. Whether buying beer, spirits, or wine, it is always more practical to purchase by the case. Wine shops usually implement hefty discounts (about 10% to 15% off) in bulk purchases. And doing so could help you save on trips to the wine store.
4. Do a quick research on what the best and most recommended brands of beer, spirit, or wine are before deciding which to choose and buy for the holiday or special occasion. You would never go wrong by selecting the best known in the market.
5. Go for food-friendly alcoholic beverages. Festive meals usually involve multiple side dishes, putting various competing flavors on the dining table. Choose a well-balanced wine that are just versatile for pairing. It is easier for beers as many of those available commercially can instantly be compatible with various dishes.

Don Papa resident mixologist Kathryn Eckstein Cornista demonstrated the art of making a perfect cocktail mix during the recent Wine and Liquor Royale, an event organized by Robinsons Selections held on October 11 at Venice Grand Canal Mall in McKinley Hill, Taguig City.
As you prepare for the holiday season, you can start shopping for alcoholic beverages that you would serve in festive celebrations this Yuletide. For the whole month of October, you can find and buy different types and brands of wines, imported beers, and liquors at hefty marked down price tags in all Robinsons Selections locations nationwide. Special offers on selected wines, beers, and spirits are also available at all Robinsons Supermarket branches this month.
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