How do sleep, laughter, and diet affect the way people think? What are the interesting facts that we still don’t know about mental wellness? These are the pressing questions that are tackled and probed into on the first episode of Trust Me I’m a Doctor, Season 7.
Dr. Michael Mosley and his team of medical experts are back to get behind the hype and headlines to investigate the truth about interesting health practices and issues. This TV show has always been about checking the latest research and conducting curious experiments to find out or prove the truths behind the most interesting health concepts.
Such experiments are not new to Dr. Mosley, a medical doctor. Book author, BBC presenter, and award-winning medical journalist. In another TV show entitled Infested (which began airing on BBC Earth on April 4, 6:20 p.m.), he even swallowed a pill-cam to find out and document how parasites actually live and survive in the human body.
In the second episode of Trust Me I’m a Doctor, Dr. Mosley will find the effect of fizzy beverages on our appetite. The team will also determine how caffeine bolster physical performance.
The third episode will be about coconut oil and how it can possibly help lower cholesterol in the body. The fourth and last episode of this season will find out if consuming carbohydrates at night is bad for the health and how to reduce the bad effects of jet lag and other traveling setbacks.
More interestingly, Dr. Mosley assures that the show is something that Filipinos will enjoy watching. Not known to many, his younger years were spent in the Philippines. “My family moved to Manila when I was two and we lived there until I was six,” he recalled. “I hope the latest series Trust Me I’m a Doctor will resonate with Filipino viewers and provide them with information that will help them live better, healthier lives, he continued.
Trust Me I’m a Doctor premiered on Monday, April 16, 2018 at 10:50 p.m. exclusively on BBC Earth (Cignal channel 245). Catch the replay:
Tuesday, April 17: 2:20 a.m.; 10:05 a.m.; 6:20 p.m.
Saturday, April 21: 10:50 p.m.
Sunday, April 22: 2:25 a.m.; 10:35 a.m.; 7:10 p.m.