At least 1 million fit Filipinos by the year 2020—this is the target set by Fit Filipino (FitFil) Movement, the biggest on-ground and online fitness campaign in the country.
Spearheaded by premier wellness and lifestyle coaches Jim and Toni Saret, FitFil has recently launched the 1-Million-Pound National Weight Loss Challenge, the movement’s first major step towards attaining its goal and further advocating a healthier lifestyle among Filipinos.
“We want Filipinos to see that getting fit and healthy can be easy and fun when you have the whole nation rallying together for this cause,” said Coach Jim Saret.
The nationwide challenge is calling on all organizations and individuals to make a pledge to lose even a few pounds of their excess weight by the end of the program duration (six months), when total weight lost by all participants would be summed up with the aim to reach or exceed a million pounds.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) was among the first organizations to pledge participation in the FitFil National Weight Loss Challenge. The organization has pledged to lose a total of 500,000 pounds (half of the total target of the program) in six months. In photo: Coach Jim Saret (leftmost), Coach Toni Saret (fifth from left), Police Deputy Director General Fernando Mendez Jr (third from left), and other representatives of PNP during the launch of the challenge.
Prior to its official launch, several medical associations as well as groups from the public and private sectors have already committed their pledges. By the time the program was rolled out, it was estimated that it already gathered pledges exceeding the million-pound target. But still, FitFil 1-Million-Pound National Weight Loss Challenge remains open to more individuals and groups that are willing to participate in the activity.
Registration to the challenge is free (click this link) and is already up until December 5, 2017. Interested participants may also visit select Robinsons Supermarket locations every Saturday to register and record their official starting weight. After the final weigh in by the end of the challenge, participants who achieve their wellness goal can avail of surprise reward items.

Robinsons Supermarket supports the advocacy to promote a healthier lifestyle among Filipino consumers. In photo: Coaches Toni and Jim Saret (fourth and fifth from left), Robinsons supermarket Marketing Manager Angela Totanes (third from left), and other representatives of the company.
Obesity problem
“Three in 10 Filipinos are overweight or obese,” said Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) Director Mario Capanzana. “Of these three, one overweight adult can be found in the National Capital Region.”
Based on data from FNRI, the number of overweight Filipino adults jumped to 31.1% in 2013 from 16.6% in 1993. The institute’s National Nutrition Survey in 2015 revealed that up to 93% of Filipinos do not engage in any leisure-related physical activity, while about 75% do not perform non-work physical activity and up to 76% do not engage in work-related physical activity. Most experts agree that physical inactivity is a major factor contributing to the prevalence of obesity in the country.
Losing excess weight
“Wellness starts with the little changes in our lifestyle choices,” said Coach Toni Saret. “We can start with better eating habits or a simple 4-minute workout daily.”
Prevention of accumulation of excess weight could still be the best way to keep a tip-top shape, according to the Philippine Heart Association (PHA), one of the first organizations that have pledged support for the national weight loss challenge.
“Following PHA’s 52100 Health Lifestyle (which stands for five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, two hours of screen time, one hour of exercise daily, zero sugary sweets, and zero smoking) is a way of supporting the Fit Filipino Challenge,” said PHA President Dr. Raul Lapitan.
Weight loss tips
Tech and Lifestyle Journal has approached some weight control experts to get effective recommendations on how to quickly lose excess pounds, especially for those who are taking the FitFil Weight Loss Challenge. Here are some tips:
1. Control appetite by eating small portions of meals up to five times throughout the entire day. This strategy has been proven effective than depriving one’s self of food intake and indulging in a feast once hunger strikes uncontrollably.
2. Stabilize your blood sugar by taking low-carb or no-carb diet. Fiber-rich food is always recommended. Lower white rice intake as much as possible and stay away from unhealthy pork or beef dishes. Dessert (sweets and pastries) intake should also be regulated. Why not enjoy small servings of fruits instead?
3. Transform your lifestyle. Be active by doing more physical activities whether you are at work or at home, if you cannot regularly workout at the gym or perform exercise routines. At least 15 minutes of walk each day could do wonders. Ditch the sedentary lifestyle now.