The ongoing lockdown in many countries around the world is opening a new door of wonderful opportunities to fans of Disney’s Frozen. The entertainment giant has launched the first of a series of animated short videos featuring the loveable Olaf, the funny snowman of the hit film franchise.
At Home With Olaf is a series of animated shorts that are accessible for free at video-sharing site YouTube. The first short video, entitled ‘Fun With Snow’ was uploaded to the Walt Disney Animation Studios channel on April 7 (around 9 p.m. on April 6, Philippine time). The animators have yet to announce when the next video/s will be uploaded, but for sure, there will be more.
Another interesting fact about At Home With Olaf series is that the project is being executed by its creators at home, while a lockdown is still observed in the U.S. and other countries. Disney animator Hyrum Osmond is collaborating with actor Josh Gad, the voice behind Olaf. Osmond revealed that he used existing models and background in the first short video.
Check out the 50-second animated video here: